Archive for July 16th, 2013

Auto Insurance Savings…

Here’s another money saving tip:

If you have USAA since I know alot of the followers do as do I, if you check out GEICO, you can save on your Auto insurance policy. ( I never thought I would say another company outbeats USAA :-O )

I just ran through the steps and will save $880.00 a year!! WOW!! $440 every 6 months savings!!

Things that can help, increase your deductible for all deductibles to $1000. That helps.  Your mileage for work and your yearly mileage on your vehicle. Calculate that.

Now Compare whatever you currently have with USAA or any other company give GEICO the same information and see if you save. If not, stick with what you have, but you have to shop around if you want to save money.


Hopes this helps!! 🙂


P.S. Already have two co-workers that switched over and are saving $500 every 6 months…
